Twelfth Five-Year National Rural Economic Development Plan Published

时间:2012-08-07     来源: NDRC

The National Development and Reform Commission recently issued the Twelfth Five-year rural economic development plan, in which the objectives for the twelfth rural economic development are to retain 1.818 billion mu of arable land, add 40 million mu of effective irrigation area, and reach 540 million tons of grain production, so as to ensure the national food safety. The plan also requires the safety pass rate of agricultural products in general food monitoring to be higher than 96%. Meanwhile, livestock production is expected to account for more than 36% of the total agricultural output. In addition, 40 million agricultural labor forces are expected to migrate into urban areas. Per capita net income of rural residents in per capita is planned to grow more than 7%, and the wage income for farmers will account for more than 45% of rural per capita net income.
